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California School Dashboard

How does California's accountability system work?

To help parents and educators identify strengths and areas for improvement, California reports how districts, schools (including alternative schools serving high-risk students), and student groups are performing across state and local measures.

For state measures, performance is based on two factors:

  • Current year results
  • Whether results improved from the prior year

Performance on state measures, using comparable statewide data, is represented by one of five colors. The performance level (color) is not included when there are fewer than 30 students in any year. This is represented using a grey color dial with the words 'No Performance Color'.

CA School Dashboard Metric


State measures include chronic absenteeism, graduation rate, suspension rate, and academic (which includes performance in English language arts/literacy and mathematics). Future state measures will include performance on the California Science Test.

Local measures are reported by school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools based on data available only at the local level. These measures include clean and safe buildings, school climate, parent engagement, and access to a broad course of study. This information is not available for individual schools or student groups.

Based on performance on state and local measures, schools and districts may be identified for support to improve student outcomes.

To see the full dashboard report for the district or one of the school sites, click on the icons below. If you have any questions, feel free to call your student's school or the Educational Services office, 559-583-5901 ext. 3118 or  


hjuhsd dashboard report   hhs dashboard report   hwhs dashboard report
sphs dashboard report   efj dashboard report   cds dashboard report