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Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant Plan

The following is Hanford Joint Union High School District's plan for providing supplemental instruction and support to students, including those identified as needing academic, social-emotional, and other support, including the provision of meals and snacks. The Expanded Learning Opportunity (ELO) plan will explain how Hanford Joint Union High School District will use the funds it receives through the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant to implement a recovery program for at the least the students included in one or more of the following groups: low-income students, English learners, foster youth, homeless students, students with disabilities, students at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, disengaged students, and students who are below grade level, including, but not limited to, credit-deficient students, students at risk of not graduating, and other students identified by certificated staff. 

HJUHSD's efforts to solicit stakeholder feedback to inform the district's plan for expanded learning opportunities began in June 2020 and have continued throughout the development process. The district's phased planning process toward expanded learning opportunities explicitly identified research, survey, communication, and data collection as the first and foundational phase of planning. Engaging in outreach and surveying stakeholders have provided and continues to provide staff valuable input to inform the district's planning in academics, engagement, climate, and intervention. 

As the 2020-21 academic year began, the district administered a survey to families to gain their feedback on academics, engagement, climate, and intervention. This survey was administered via survey monkey. A total of nearly 3,000 parents/caregivers, students, and staff responded to the survey. Overall, parent/caregiver responses represented a wide range of experiences and levels of concern about learning loss due to distance learning. An important takeaway for the district was the fact that, for most questions, the majority of respondents indicated a propensity to attend school face to face would solve a majority of the learning loss. 

To read the rest of the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant Plan, check out the document below or click here


Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant Plan

Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant Plan