LCFF Budget Overview for Parents (BOP)
School districts receive funding from different sources: state funds under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), other state funds, local funds, and federal funds. LCFF funds include a base level of funding for all LEAs and extra funding - called "supplemental and concentration" grants - to LEAs based on the Enrollment of high needs students (foster youth, English Learners, and low-income students).
The LCFF gives school districts more flexibility in deciding how to use state funds. In exchange, school districts must give work with parents, educators, students, and the community to develop a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) that shows how they will use these funds to serve students.
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
The LCAP describes the variety of special programs offered to meet the needs of all students and their families. An in-depth data analysis of student achievement data and parent surveys is conducted at the district level and at each school site to determine academic areas of strength, areas of concern, and instructional strategies and programs that support student achievement. Instructional goals for improvement are developed with the input of all staff members, parent communities, and instructional leadership teams.
The District's five-member Governing Board sets the direction through the formula of the district's policies and the adoption of annual goals and objectives, which reflect the priorities of the community and the Board. Decisions on how the district's funds are spent are considered through input from district staff and parent and community groups, which are then approved by the Board of Trustees.
Check out the BOPs & LCAPs below.
- Hanford Online Charter BOP, Annual Update & LCAP 2024-25 - English
- Hanford Online Charter BOP, Annual Update & LCAP 2024-25 - Spanish
- Hanford Online Charter LCAP Local Performance Indicator Self-Reflection 2024-25 - English
- Hanford Online Charter LCAP Local Performance Indicator Self-Reflection 2024-25 - Spanish
- Hanford Joint Union High School District BOP, Annual Update & LCAP 2024-25 - English
- Hanford Joint Union High School District BOP, Annual Update & LCAP 2024-25 - Spanish
- Hanford Joint Union High School District LCAP Local Performance Indicator Self-Reflection 2024-25 - English
- Hanford Joint Union High School District LCAP Local Performance Indicator Self-Reflection 2024-25 - Spanish
The goals in the HJUHSD 2024-25 LCAP are:
- Ensure that every student in HJUHSD has access to standards-aligned instructional materials, is enrolled in a comprehensive course of study taught by effectively trained and fully credentialed teachers, and experiences a supportive and engaging school culture that prioritizes parent participation, equity, student safety, and school connectedness, all within facilities maintained in good repair.
- HJUHSD aims to cultivate an inclusive and vibrant culture that actively encourages parent involvement, promotes equity, prioritizes student safety, and enhances school connectedness. Our overarching objective is to empower every student to attain proficiency at or above grade level, ensuring their preparedness for future academic pursuits and career endeavors.
- English Learner students will achieve at grade level or higher to ensure college and career readiness while engaging in a culture that supports school connectedness.
- Earl F. Johnson High School and Hanford Community Day School will increase the stability rates and enhance Career Technical Education (CTE) completers' numbers through the implementation of engaging work-based learning activities.
LCAP Federal Addendum
When you think of the best pairings you may think of peanut butter & jelly or spaghetti & meatballs but another great pairing is the LCAP and the LCAP Federal Addendum! The LCAP Federal Addendum supplements the LCAP to help ensure we meet the provisions of ESSA. You can read our current LCAP Federal Addendum here for English and here for Spanish.