Weighted Course:

weighted course
Weighted GPA Breakdown:
Students receive five units per class at the end of each semester with a passing grade (A, B, C, D). No credit is awarded at the end of the six and 12 week progress periods: Those progress reports are for students and parents and to determine extracurricular eligibility.
For colleges, schools report weighted and unweighted GPAs, depending on the college. Both GPAs include grades earned in grades 10-12. Freshman grades and grades for classes taken outside of the high schools are not included, unless otherwise requested by students. Total GPA calculations, weighted or unweighted, include all grades earned 9-12.
Weighted GPAs include extra points for courses in grades 10-12. The weighted grade provides incentive for students to enroll in advanced studies. The unweighted system is: A=4; B=3; C=2; D=1; F=0. The weighted system adds 0.02 (per semester) to students who receive proficient or advanced on their HJUHSD AP assessment, given in the spring semester.
Class rank for academic honors for seniors is based on the 9-12 weighted GPA earned through the second semester of 12th grade. The Valedictorian is the graduate with the highest GPA; the Salutatorian is the graduate with the next highest GPA. Students with a GPA of 4.0 or above are Graduates with Distinction.