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Medical History Tab: Data Confirmation Process

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The medical history tab in the Data Confirmation process displays any medical concerns/conditions currently on file for your student. If necessary, this is where you can update the medical history for your student. Your student's school site nurse will be automatically notified with any updates to this page.

Medical History and Current Medical Conditions Table

This is where you will find medical concerns/conditions on file for your student. You can add additional information for a medical condition by entering the information in the Comment box and then by clicking "Save". 


Medical History Table - Comments


If you need to delete a current medical condition from this table, click on "No Longer Applies". You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the medical condition. 


Medical History Table - No Longer Applies Button



MedicaL History Table - Confirm


The medical condition you have marked as "No Longer Applies" will be removed from the table next time this page is updated.

Additional Conditions - Please Check All That Apply Table

If you need to add a medical condition for your student you can do so in the Additional Conditions table. Check the box of any/all medical conditions that you would like to apply to your student. When adding a condition, update it with the following information:

  • Effective Date - date the condition manifested for the student
  • Age - age of the student when the condition first manifested
  • Grade - grade of the student when the condition first manifested
  • Comment - use the comment box if you would like to provide any more information on the condition

Save any updates by clicking on "Save" at the bottom of the Additional Conditions table.


Additional Conditions - Check the Box



Additonal Conditions - Fields to Enter



Additional Conditions - Save Button


The medical condition you added will now show up under the Medical History table. When you are finished, click "Confirm and Continue" to proceed with the data confirmation process. 


Confirm & Continue - Medical history tab


You will then be able to proceed to the next tab: Documents.