Student Data Confirmation Process
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The summer data confirmation process allows you to access all school documents for the 2024-25 school year, update your contact information and more! This is a required process and is conducted mostly online in your Aeries Parent Portal. This process will open to all parents/guardians in July.
For those with a current/active Aeries Portal Account
If you had a student with HJUHSD last school year than you most likely have a portal account already created. To access your portal account follow these steps:
- Go to the HJUHSD Aeries Portal Page:
- Enter the email address you have on file with the school
- Click Next
- Enter your password (if you can't remember your password, click Forgot Password to have the resetting instructions emailed to you).
For those new to the Aeries Portal Account
If you already had an email on file with us (most of you do), then we used that information to create the parent portal account for you. You will receive an email no later than June 30th, 2024 with a subject line of: HJUHSD Aeries Parent Portal - New Parent/Guardian Account Created. This email will include the website address to the Aeries Parent Portal website, your username and your temporary password. If you have not received this email by June 30th, 2024 (and after checking your spam folder) please contact your school site to request the email be resent. If you don't believe you have an email address on file for your student(s), please contact your school site to add it.
In your Aeries Portal Account
Once you have received the email with your login information, you will be able to log on and fill out the Student Data Confirmation Process tabs, which include contact information, medical information, and more.
Once you log in to your portal account, you should be taken straight to the Data Confirmation process. However, you can also follow the steps below to navigate to the data confirmation process:
- Click on Student Info in the sidebar menu
- Click on Data Confirmation
- Complete all seven tabs
- Click Finish & Submit
PLEASE NOTE: The Student Data Confirmation process MUST be completed before walkthrough. Students/parents that have not completed the “Student Data Confirmation” process upon walkthrough will not be able to proceed and will instead be directed to a room where that process can be completed first. A legal guardian is required for this process so students who show up to walkthrough without the “Student Data Confirmation” completed and with no legal guardian present will not be able to participate in walkthrough.
You can find guidance on completing each tab below:
Walkthrough Information
- I don't remember my password
- It says my email address can not be matched to an account
- I can't find the email with my account info
- I don't have an email address - how do I create a parent portal account without one?
- My student can't find the data confirmation process in their portal account
- Do I have to complete this process for each student?
I don't remember my password
It says my email address can not be matched to an account
I can't find the email with my account info
I don't have an email address - how do I create a parent portal account without one?
My student can't find the data confirmation process in their portal account
Do I have to complete this process for each student?
Video Tutorial Series
You can find a video walkthrough for the data confirmation series below: