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Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Role of the Board

The five members of the HJUHSD Board of Trustees are elected to four-year terms.

The primary duties of the Board are to establish district policies, adopt the district’s annual budget, approve expenditures, authorize employment, approve curriculum and make contract decisions. 

The Board works in partnership with the Superintendent, who is the District’s Chief Executive Officer and serves as Secretary to the Board. We, as Board Members, share the goal of ensuring that each HJUHSD graduate has the skills necessary to be successful in life.

To this end, we work diligently to provide a safe environment that is conducive to a positive learning experience. The Board encourages you to take advantage of the extensive curriculum, as well as the many activities and opportunities that are provided for you. We wish you a successful and enjoyable school year.


The HJUHSD Board of Trustees meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. at the HJUHSD Board Room at 823 W. Lacey Boulevard, Hanford, Ca. 93230. The Board may alter the location and conduct executive sessions before or following regular meetings as it deems necessary.

During "Public Comment", anyone may address the board on any topic not on the agenda. The board can only act on items on the agenda. However, it may direct that a topic be placed on a future agenda for consideration. Speakers are allotted three minutes each, with a total of 20 minutes per topic. The board may alter the time allowance as warranted. Derogatory remarks about political, religious or racial views, character or motives of any person or group of people are considered out of order. In extreme cases, the board may exclude persons whose disorderly conduct precludes the business of the meeting.

Though Board meetings are held in public, the board may meet in closed session for certain purposes defined by law, including personnel issues, disciplinary actions, legal proceedings and employee relations.


Board Policies are available online through the California School Boards Association (CSBA) PolicyPlus program. 


Trustee Area 1

Lisa Chavarin

Trustee Area 2

Janet Barbeiro

Trustee Area 3

Melonie Robinson

Trustee Area 4

Alicia Martella

Trustee Area 5

Paul Gillum